Updates zu EdgeTX, 4-in-1 Modul und ExpressLRS

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EdgeTX/edgetx Updates seit 02.09.2023 [::]

#16 von rOger 01.10.2023 11:38

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt EdgeTX/edgetx (https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/) seit dem 02.09.2023:

v2.9.1 - 29.09.2023

  • fix(color): Older themes would make color radio screen mostly black @philmoz and @raphaelcoeffic in #3762
  • fix(color): Value widget wasn't refreshing if telemetry sensor was a string @philmoz in #4071
  • feat: enable S.PORT telemetry by default for SBUS and PPM modules by @raphaelcoeffic in #3986
  • fix: Issue whereby if an invalid source (i.e. non-existent switch due to model being copied from another radio) for a mix line was set it prevented subsequent lines being shown by @raphaelcoeffic in #4008
  • fix: Deactivate logs and close log file if USB is connected by @mha1 in #4024
  • fix(ibus): Separate lat long sensors merged to single GPS sensor by @frankiearzu in #4080
  • fix: Reduce CRSF "telemetry lost/telemetry recovered" due to missed packets by @raphaelcoeffic in #4047
  • fix: GitPod container image updates by @raphaelcoeffic in #4065
  • fix: iXJT firmware update issue by @raphaelcoeffic in #4068
  • fix: Unable to turn Jumper T18 on after enabling AUX2 by @raphaelcoeffic in #4035
  • fix: QX7 sporadic EM by @raphaelcoeffic in #4085
  • fix: Allow for Bluetooth support on Zorro by @raphaelcoeffic in #4117

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

Beiträge: 134
Registriert seit: 05.07.2018
Punkte: 295

pascallanger/DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module Updates seit 12.10.2022 [::]

#17 von rOger 22.10.2023 11:39

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt pascallanger/DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module (https://github.com/pascallanger/DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module/) seit dem 12.10.2022:

v1.3.3.33 - 16.10.2023

  • V761/4CH
    * Telemetry for the newest models (761-11 and above): the battery status ok/empty is in A1 (4.4V -> 2.2V)
  • FX/9630
    * New protocol for the FX9630 and QIDI-550 models
  • DSM_RX
    * Thanks @johnnym007
    * DSM TX clone capabilities. Added sub protocols Clone and Erase. Need the latest (nightly?) version of EdgeTX to access the Clone option.
  • FrSkyX2
    * Fix Archer bind issues
    * Added an additional address byte in the bind payload
  • FrSkyX
    * Fix SPORT issue with LBT
  • MT99XX/F949G
    * Added flags for the model KFPLAN Z61 BF109
  • KF606/ZCZ50
    * New sub protocol for the ZC-Z50v2 Cessna
  • DSM Fwd Programming
    * Many improvements in v0.55 thanks to @frankiearzu
  • E01X
    * E01X protocol and subprotocols E012 and E015 commented out from the automated builds to gain flash space...

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

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Registriert seit: 05.07.2018
Punkte: 295

ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS Updates seit 21.07.2023 [::]

#18 von rOger 05.11.2023 10:40

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS (https://github.com/ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS/) seit dem 21.07.2023:

3.3.1 - 04.11.2023

  • Renamed the BETAFPV Lite Radio 3 to BETAFPV Lite Radio 3 Pro #2319
  • Separated Happymodel EP1/EP2 targets to be more obvious #2319
  • Fixed the naming of the Ghost Atto RX target (it's not a TX!) #2319
  • Renamed Radiomaster Zorro to Radiomaster Zorro Internal #2319
  • Added missing 900MHz Happymodel EPW6 receiver #2332
  • Reduced max packet rate for external modules limited to 400kbaud UART to 333Hz (fixes Lua freezing) #2327
  • Add Radiomaster Pocket radio, an alias for the Zorro target #2342
  • Corrected receiver power for LBT firmware #2334
  • Added back the stock bootloader flashing option for STM32 targets #2354
  • Fixed the maximum output power option for Happymodel ES900TX #2359
  • Reimplemented fuzzy_snr using integer arithmetic #2378 #2379
  • Fix LBT fall back mode #2430
  • Optimize and fix broken FM30 target #2413
  • Fix LBT #2438

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

Beiträge: 134
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Punkte: 295

EdgeTX/edgetx Updates seit 29.09.2023 [::]

#19 von rOger 26.11.2023 10:38

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt EdgeTX/edgetx (https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/) seit dem 29.09.2023:

v2.9.2 - 13.11.2023

  • refactor(mixer): Improve mixer "delay" option (#4256)
  • feat: Add support for OTA flashing and configuring newer FrSky receivers on ACCESS/ISRM radios (#4077)
  • fix: Don't update (therefore deleting some settings) YAML files on SD card if radio in emergency mode (#4264)
  • fix: Ext module not powered when using SBUS or CPPM trainer (#4167)
  • fix(lua): insertMix function not working (#4129)
  • fix(lua): Do not pass key event that triggered telemetry view to lua (#4168)
  • fix(bw): Model copy going to wrong slot, refresh model headers (#4261)
  • fix(color): No startup/shutdown haptic if haptic mode set to "quiet" (#4285)
  • fix(color): 'SWITCH' widget option logic, enable for Lua widgets (#4190)
  • fix(color): Value widget not refreshing when telem lost (#4223)
  • fix(color): Refreshing of GPS and DATE_TIME telemetry when using Value Widget (#4250)
  • fix(color): Reading of RGB theme colors in hex format (#4222)
  • fix(color): 'Reset' SF does not show telemetry parameter when edited (#4237)
  • fix(yaml): Do not limit to static MPM protocol definitions (#4146)
  • fix: German voice fixes (Updating voice pack needed for full effect) (#3920, #4242, 4259)

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

Beiträge: 134
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Punkte: 295

ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS Updates seit 04.11.2023 [::]

#20 von rOger 07.01.2024 10:40

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS (https://github.com/ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS/) seit dem 04.11.2023:

3.3.2 - 06.01.2024

  • Ability to control SX12xx output power when using a DAC controlled PA (#2498)
  • Fix for 10kHz Duty-cycle not going to 0 or 100% on 8285-based PWM receivers (#2496)
  • Fix PWM channel reset on TX/RX serial port config change via LUA (#2486, #2499)
  • Fix GetLastPacketStats() and diversity packet CRC check (#2488, #2491)

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

Beiträge: 134
Registriert seit: 05.07.2018
Punkte: 295

EdgeTX/edgetx Updates seit 13.11.2023 [::]

#21 von rOger 21.01.2024 10:38

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt EdgeTX/edgetx (https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/) seit dem 13.11.2023:

v2.9.3 - 20.01.2024

  • fix: Enable external module power for SBUS trainer by @raphaelcoeffic in #4326
  • fix: Mix delay not working when mix line has a switch by @philmoz in #4364
  • fix: Properly scale PREC2 sensor values using "ratio" by @frankiearzu in #4083
  • fix(telemetry): Inconsistent/wrong GPS distance calculation by @mha1 in #4442
  • fix(color): New inputs disappear until restart by @philmoz in #4317 and #4330
  • fix(color): Mixes list display incorrect after deleting all mixer lines by @philmoz in #4477
  • fix(bw): Prevent points being drawn outside of LCD buffer (causing EM crash) in #4550
  • feat: Allow Touch Screen Mod on Horus X10 Transmitters by @MRC3742 in #4151
  • feat(X10E): Allow minimum backlight value to be much lower by @packetpilot in #4540

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

Beiträge: 134
Registriert seit: 05.07.2018
Punkte: 295

EdgeTX/edgetx Updates seit 20.01.2024 [::]

#22 von rOger 18.02.2024 10:38

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt EdgeTX/edgetx (https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/) seit dem 20.01.2024:

v2.9.4 - 13.02.2024

  • fix(telemetry): Remove 10x multiplier for Frsky_D A1..A2 voltage sensor value by @frankiearzu in #4583
  • fix(telemetry): DSM/LemonRX sensor cleanup for Altimeter and Flight Pack Monitors by @frankiearzu in #4600
  • fix(color): EditNumber class not implementing zeroText logic by @frankiearzu in #4611
  • chore(radio): Updates to Japanese translations by @ToshihiroMakuuchi in #4604, #4624

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

Beiträge: 134
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Punkte: 295

pascallanger/DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module Updates seit 16.10.2023 [::]

#23 von rOger 24.03.2024 10:39

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt pascallanger/DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module (https://github.com/pascallanger/DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module/) seit dem 16.10.2023:

v1.3.4.0 - 18.03.2024

  • Automatic builds
    * Separated Air and Surface (SFC) protocols into different builds to gain flash space
    * Added EU/FCC builds
  • E129/C186
    * New circular flight and flip flags
  • V911S/E119
    * New 6G/Senior and light flags
  • Kyosho/FHSS
    * Allow surface Kyosho Syncro RXs to bind with the FHSS sub protocol
  • SGF22
    * New air protocol for the SGF22 model
  • EazyRC
    * New surface protocol for the EazyRC cars
  • Radiolink/RC4G
    * New surface RC4G subprotocol
  • XK/Cars
    * New surface Cars subprotocol for WLtoys cars 284131/284161/284010/124016/124017/144010 and Eachine EAT14
  • J6Pro
    * bug fix
    * TQ protocol (not TQi yet): Multi IDs and RF frequencies
  • LOSI
    * Multi IDs and RF frequencies
  • Pelikan/SCX24
    * More frequencies and IDs - Thanks @benlye
  • DSM
    * Fix bind with Lemon RX Gen 2 - Thanks @frankiearzu
    * Black&White Radios new model setup. Now it can setup completely a plane from zero
    * Color version; simplified code for Tail mixes, and fix Taileron setup
  • DSM Fwd Programming
    * v0.56 Thanks @frankiearzu
    * Black&White Radios new model setup. Now it can setup completely a plane from zero
    * Color version; simplified code for Tail mixes, and fix Taileron setup
  • MultiConfig
    * bug fix for the IDs with 0 values - Thanks @pagrey

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

Beiträge: 134
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Punkte: 295

EdgeTX/edgetx Updates seit 13.02.2024 [::]

#24 von rOger 19.05.2024 11:38

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt EdgeTX/edgetx (https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/) seit dem 13.02.2024:

v2.10.0 - 12.05.2024

  • New "Eddie the Edgehog" default splash screen - on color display radios also shows the current version of EdgeTX installed
  • On colorlcd, a custom image can be shown on shutdown instead of shutdown animation
  • On colorlcd, interacting with labels on the manage models screen has been reworked - you can now choose to have only one label active at a time, or multiple labels
  • On colorlcd, you can pick from three more views for how models will be shown, including smaller icons and list views.
  • On colorlcd, the sources list picker and filters have been reworked
  • On colorlcd, the splash screen delay can now be changed
  • All special and global functions can be enabled or disabled - no need to delete them if you no longer want certain ones temporarily inactive
  • Unused trim switches can be used as 3POS switches
  • "Telemetry Connected" will be played when the connection is first established
  • Pre-flight checklists now have an "interactive" option, whereby you can tick off each item in turn
  • PPM units can be changed at runtime, rather than being a compile time option
  • RGB LED control/animations on supported radios (e.g. MT12, PL18, PL18EV)
  • Startup sound can be disabled (there is now an option, rather than needing to delete hello.wav)
  • Analog inputs, such as pots and sliders can now be configured as a Switch, Axis X or Axis Y. Additionally, they can also be configured to be inverted

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

Beiträge: 134
Registriert seit: 05.07.2018
Punkte: 295

ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS Updates seit 06.01.2024 [::]

#25 von rOger 19.05.2024 11:39

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS (https://github.com/ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS/) seit dem 06.01.2024:

3.4.0 - 18.05.2024

  • Arming must be on AUX1 for safety and feature reasons, having this fixed allows us to maintain small packet sizes and deliver better aux channel options
  • Flashing both the TX and RX are recommended but not required.
  • Lua script should be updated to elrsV3.lua and is backwards compatible with 2.x. Firmware get it here: Lua

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

Beiträge: 134
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Punkte: 295

ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS Updates seit 18.05.2024 [::]

#26 von rOger 26.05.2024 11:40

Salue Zämme

Hier wieder ein Update zum Github Projekt ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS (https://github.com/ExpressLRS/ExpressLRS/) seit dem 18.05.2024:

3.4.1 - 22.05.2024

  • FIX: Binding phrases containing a zero in any of the last 4 positions of the UID were considered "unbound" and would always boot to binding mode / never connect. #2721

Aes liebs Grüessli

eat • sleep • fly • repeat - Goblin 380 • TDR

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